Friday, September 12, 2008

How's this for embarrassing

I planted (or thought I did) some mortgage lifter tomato's on the 18 of the 8th and as of yesterday they still hadn't germinated. So I decided to try again today, went and got the seed packet and it hadn't been opened.
So some how I've gone through the process of filling up punnets with seed raising mix labeling and watering for the last 3 weeks and there's been no bloody seeds planted.


The Crone at Wits End said...

ROFL! Oh my sides, my sides! That's something I would do!

Mandy's Pink Home said...

Thanks for making my day! I needed a good laugh........

My Veggie Garden said...

Oops just realized I didn't have the old dairy on my blog list, but that's all fixed now. Cheers
BTW glad I could make everyone's day. I'm sure I've got it right the second time. I think.