Monday, September 30, 2019

Three Minute Citrus

🍋 A three-minute Monday rundown on how my citrus has responded to the application of the Whoflungdung feeding mulch. #whoflungdung #citrus #myveggiegarden 🍋 How much water does my citrus need? 🍋 Caring for your citrus in Spring.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

How to grow Thai Basil and Thai Siam Queen from seed.

🌿 Thai Siam Queen🌿 🌿 Annual. 🌿 Large and bushy variety growing to 80cm with fragrant green leaves and purple stems producing small red/purple flowers. 🌿 Leaves have a strong flavour that is a mix between aniseed and basil and is very popular in Asian cuisine. Ideal for salads, noodle and rice dishes. 🌿 Can be grown in containers. Can be used in potpourri. Very attractive variety; is sometimes grown as an ornamental. 🌿 The plant is larger and produces bigger leaves than regular Thai Basil. #howtogrowbasil #thaisiamqueen #organicgardener 📷 Original Saigon Restaurant Instagram and website Original Saigon Restaurant Instagram and Website Wikipedia Thai Basil. 📫 Like to sponsor my next video? Let me know here. 📫 Got a question or suggestion? Let me know here.

Monday, September 23, 2019

Episode 8 of three Minute Monday

Episode 8 of three Minute Monday is ready for your viewing. Today we're planting sunflower seeds.

Riveting, I know!

Who doesn't love a nice corner of sunflowers in Summer? Well, now's the time to get started and plant your seeds. Here's how.

C is for Carrots

Spring, a great time to plant carrots. And the only way to grow carrots is by planting seeds. Here are a few ideas to help you get off to a good start. #carrots #howtogrowcarrots #organicgardening 📫 Like to sponsor my next video? Let me know here. 📫 Got a question or suggestion? Let me know here. Below is a copy and paste from garden.passion_ig on Instagram. A) Avoid transplanting . B) Sow seed directly in the soil . C) Provide a rock and clay free soil . D) Provide a soft light soil enriched with mineralised organic matter . E) Eliminate obstacles in the soil. Carrots are selfish, greedy and unsociable. They want the soil all to themselves and do not want competition or obstacles. They want to grow fast without hindrance. Any slight disturbance as they dig deeper into the topsoil makes them very very angry . F) Ensure the growing medium is very deep. Any stress or space restrictions experienced by the taproot as it grows vertically will cause immediate deformity . G) Avoid heavy or high-pressure watering until at least they’ve reached a strong seedling stage. Overzealous watering prior to germination is one good reason to displace the volatile seeds and cause them to grow very close to each other . H) Protect the growing medium from animals and birds digging or foraging in the soil. Carrot seeds are notoriously slow to germinate and often they end up displaced growing anywhere bar the position you had initially planned or intended for . I) Give it room to grow. If possible, isolate one seed. You can alternatively create trenches and sprinkle a sand-filled container containing the carrot seeds but you will still probably need to thin them out later as they grow . 💘 Follow @garden.passion_ig for more 😉

Monday, September 16, 2019

Three Minute Monday. How much water do I give my Mandarin Tree

🍊 We're in the midst of the worst drought ever here at My Veggie Garden, since the last worst drought ever so I need to work out how long it takes to hand water my Mandarin tree.

Monday, September 2, 2019

Three Minute Monday Ep.6. Planting no dig Lettuce.

🥗The easy part, planting.

🥗Plus a few tips for getting the best possible lettuce you can!

🥗Getting a small patch of garden bed ready for planting some no dig lettuce next week.

🥗I didn't know it would be so hard to make a video three minutes long or short for that matter. There's so much to get through some times.

Sunday, September 1, 2019

Lisbon Lemon Tree in Spring

🍋 It's always best to get your citrus off to a good start and that means Spring. 🍋 Good mulching, good fertilizing and a few other goodies just to make sure your citrus gets off to the best start possible.🍋🍋 🍋 Whoflungdung mulch by Neutrog.

🍋 Yates Soil Wetter. #citrus #lemontree #organic gardening 🍄🍄🍄🍄🍄🍄🍄🍄🍄🍄🍄 PLEASE:- LIKE, SHARE, LEAVE A COMMENT, AND SUBSCRIBE! 🍄🍄🍄🍄🍄🍄🍄🍄🍄🍄🍄🍄🍄🍄 Subscribe here We thank you for watching and invite you to stick around and watch a few more videos while you're here. You can also find My Veggie Garden at, 🍄Facebook - 🍄Instagram -