Thursday, December 4, 2008

Pink eyes

Now I know why they call them Pink Eye potatoes. "Thems all got pink eyes, who woodda thought it"! (Voice in my head when I read this is like the warden from Cool Hand Luke my second fav movie)

I'm not harvesting yet but one of my plants had died back so I lifted it to see what I had or hadn't and this is what I have. Yeah for me, steamed spuds for lunch.
God I love gardening.

Clicking the photo will give you a better look!


Teena said...

lol...who wooda thunk pink eyes have pink eyes?

Anonymous said...

Say did that spud on the left just wink at me with his pink eye?????;P

Wildside said...

Oh, yay -- that is a nice surprise to find under a dead plant... Love potatoes, need more of them!