Sunday, November 30, 2014


Sunny? It's always freaking "Sunny"
At last I have some reasonable gardening weather (RGW).

And after four or so weeks of ridiculously hot and dry (it's still dry) weather I've got about three weeks of neglect to catch up with.

Weeds to be weeded, compost bins to be emptied, turned and filled back up again and planting a few seedlings I have left that I have survived.

So I'd better get cracking.

Cheers and have a nice day,


Wednesday, November 19, 2014

It rained!

It rained!

I finally got followup rain to the falls we had in August.

Never mind that it's two months too late and half the garden has fried in the hot and dry conditions. It rained.

It's like stunned disbelief, it's been so long I was beginning to think it not possible.

14mm here at My Veggie Garden but just to rub a little salt into the wound my work, on the western side of  town, received 30mm.

Fingers crossed I don'thave to wait another two months for the next fall.

A friend on the Southern end of town didn't fare so well

Cheers and may your rain god smile upon your veggie garden.


Saturday, November 15, 2014

Planting Pumpkins.

That's it for me, I had mulch, cow and sheep manure delivered today so I've no excuses left to not plant my pumpkins tomorrow.

Soo I'm thinking I'll get up at 4:30 have a quick brekky, throw everything into the soil, and plant those little baby's before it gets too hot too do anything again.



Wednesday, November 12, 2014


Here we go again!

Has someone pushed repeat on last year?

I seem to remember a dry winter and a long hot Spring, just like this one.

Here it is nearly half way through November and I'm sure my total rainfall since August wouldn't add up to a total of 25mm.

And if that isn't bad enough nearly everyday is 30c plus, 37 Saturday and 34 Sunday.

And it becomes crunch time. Do I walk away from the garden or do I persevere with the watering and the mulching. Water is expensive and time consuming but a little raijn or a storm or two would take off a lot of pressure.

I've already stopped sowing any more seeds.

I just don't know what to do.

Maybe it'll rain again, sometime soon.



Monday, November 10, 2014

Three bins is way better than two.

I bought myself a new Gedye compost bin cos I'm fed up with not having enough compost.

Came home from work and filled both the 400l compost bins with what I had so I now have 800l of green waste happily composting away.

I'll empty them out every two days and put it back in to keep good aeration in the bins and speed up decomposition.

The 220l bin is full of ready to use compost and I have a wheel barrow full as well.

Three bins is way better than two.



Let there be compost.

And then there were three. Let there be compost.

I couldn't wait for next weekend to get here so I went and got my compost bin with a little (a lot) help from my friend Robbie. 

Cheers and here's to making more compost.


Saturday, November 8, 2014

Gedye compost bin #3.

That's it, I can't take it any longer.

I'm fed up with not having enough compost.

So next weekend I'm going to buy Gedye compost bin #3.

Then I can have the 1st bin cooking, the 2nd bin brewing and the 3rd bin maturing.

I prefer making a big pile of compost and turning it regularly but I just don't have enough spare space to do this so a Gedye compost bin is the next best thing.

Cheers, still wishing for rain,


Friday, November 7, 2014

Toowoomba area Backyard Veggie Growers Group.

Thursday, November 6, 2014


9mm of rain overnight last night. Only took two months from the last rainfall.

Not exactly what I'd call good follow up rain.

I've never won Gold Lotto but it must be the same feeling.



Saturday, November 1, 2014

Hot as hell.

About to venture out and see what's left of the garden after the week from hell.

30 plus degrees all week.

It's been a long week of watering and hoping I haven't missed any plants.

