Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Beans means Brown Beauty.

Just planted, approximately one square meter of Mr Fothergill's dwarf bean, 'Brown Beauty'.

From the liner notes on the back of the seed packet.

Bean, Dwarf, 'Black Beauty':

(Phaseolus vulgaris)

An excellent quality, fine flavoured bean that continues to crop over a long period. Particularly suited to later plantings as this is a good hot weather variety. Full of flavour and vitamins. Halfhardy annual.

When to plant: Spring and Summer.
How to grow Sow 25mm (1in) deep in dark, damp soil - avoid watering for a day or two afterwards. Sow 7-10cm (3-4in) apart, allowing 50cm (20in) between the rows. Ensure the danger of frosts has passed and protect plants from wind. Plant in 3-5 metre (10-16ft) rows and remove weeds regularly. Water well during dry periods and spray flowers with a fine rose on your watering can, this will help the pods to set.
Harvest: 8-10 weeks

Lets see how they go. I've never had trouble growing beans here before so it should be straight forward. I'll  plant successive sowings every four or five weeks so I can maintain a continuous supply of beans over Summer and early Autumn.
Preparation was basic as beans don't require much fussin over. I added a couple of handfuls of blood and bone and a small hand of sulphate of potash to a previously used bed. Turned the whole lot over with a fork, measured out  three rows, bunged in the seeds, covered them over and watered them in.

Too easy.

Cheers and happy bean planting, growing and eating.



Anonymous said...

Can't wait to see your beans growing. I've got snake beans, blue lakes and red kidney beans. Am not holding out much hope on the blue lakes because it's probably too hot. Last summer the snake beans went so crazy that I couldn't keep up.

Don't you love how you start with a few plants and by summer's end you never want to see another bean again?

My Veggie Garden said...

Yes, beans can be a very productive crop.