During the week our local Radio station ran an unofficial poll to find out what we thought is our favorite flower and much to my surprise the Gerbera has it.
The following two paragraphs are from their facebook page.
ABC Southern Queensland In honour of the upcoming Carnival of Flowers, we unveil the Unofficial Southern Queensland Flower Poll. What's your favourite flower, and why? We'll do a feature on the most popular flowers later this week.
ABC Southern Queensland The Gerbera has it! We tallied up the votes here, and on Twitter, and can safely say the Gerbera can rule, without the support of 3 independents!
This gerbera I photographed is growing out on the footpath just up the road from me. I've had a few goes at getting a small division to grow without success but now with all the great rain we have had I think I'll have another at pinching a few pieces and see how I go again.
This gerbera is growing in our backyard just at the bottom of our back steps and is nearly always flowering and greeting us with it's happiness..
Anyhow mega cheers and happiness
They are beautiful cheerful summery flowers Stewart. Love 'em. :)
I'd never thought about Gerberas much before, am quite impressed!
Funny isn't it how even with the growing out on the footpath-type hardy plants, you've still got to get the right conditions in which to pinch a cutting!! :D
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