Monday, November 22, 2010

Boiled eggs

Can you believe there is a whole Wikipedia page on the humble boiled egg?

Here is how it starts.

Boiled eggs are eggs (typically chickens' eggs) cooked by immersion in boiling water with their shells unbroken. (Eggs cooked in water without their shells are known as poached eggs, while eggs cooked below the boiling temperature, either with or without the shell, are known as coddled eggs.) Hard-boiled eggs are either boiled long enough for the egg white and then the egg yolk to solidify, or they are left to cool down, which will gradually solidify them, while a soft-boiled egg yolk, and sometimes even the white, remains at least partially liquid.
The egg timer was so-named due to its common usage in timing the boiling of eggs. Boiled eggs are a popular breakfast food in many countries around the world.

And then Sunny Queen Farms go one further and tell us how to Cook the Perfect Boiled Egg!!!  

Myths about Eggs

Eggs and Cholesterol - Until recently it was thought that cholesterol in food was a factor in high blood cholesterol. We now know that dietary cholesterol alone is not significant for most people. The body produces cholesterol in the liver especially when the diet is high in saturated fat. Research done at the CSIRO's Division of Human Nutrition has shown that cholesterol in diet is far less important than many people think. The research showed that adding two eggs a day to the diet of people with normal cholesterol levels produced no rise in the level of LDL (or bad) cholesterol. Even at three eggs a day, the effect on blood cholesterol was equivalent to eating a pat (10g) of butter or 30g of cheese.

Cheers and have an eggcellent  day/night


1 comment:

Susan said...

Hi Stewart,
Both of us eat lots of eggs through the week, have done for a few years now - nothing wrong with our chol levels. Just sorry for all the years I believed " those who thought they knew" when they said we should limit our eggy intake.
Cheers :)