Monday, July 30, 2018

Quickie Monday - Liquid Fertilising.

I went away for the weekend so not much was done in the veggie garden, nothing at all actually.

Anyway, I manage a quick and short video this afternoon espousing the benefits of liquid fertilising.

Hope you enjoy it, cheers.


Saturday, July 21, 2018

Jobs done. 

An update on this afternoons veggie garden activities.

It was a lovely winter's day and much was achieved.

Beetroot - Bok Choi - Lettuce - Snap Peas

Beetroot - Bok Choi - Lettuce - Snap Peas

Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Amazing bean seeds, pt 2.

   Back in March, I reported that I'd managed to save five seeds from a particularly tasty bush bean and that I'd also managed to get them to germinate.

   Sadly I lost one seedling but four continued on to full-sized plants and you can see the results in the photo.

   Should be more than enough seeds for the upcoming growing season.

   Looking forward to tasting the beans again and see if they remain as tasty as the original.

Link to the original story.
Amazing bean seeds.

Sunday, July 1, 2018

It rained. 

It rained, I know, it’s hard to believe but it rained. 9mm to be precise. That’s about the best rainfall I’ve had here since my last post three months ago.

So with as much optimism and enthusiasm as I could muster I went forth into the wilderness and planted a veggie. Well a herb to be precise. Good old parsley. Yeah!

Then I got carried away in the fervour of the moment and bunged in a few lettuce, some beetroot and leek as well as a cabbage and broccoli.

With further light falls predicted over the next few days, what can go wrong.