Sunday, June 14, 2020

Testing the soil ph around my sad Blueberry.

I've stubbornly refused that I needed to check the ph of my soil believing I could to get it to grow without one. But I've relented and now I've decided to test my soil ph with surprising results.


Angela said...

Good luck Stuart. I have a blueberry in a pot that needs a lot of TLC so I'll be watching with interest whilst I do my own first aid : )

Be careful with those glasses! I do stupid things like treading on them and just plain losing them - mainly because I probably can't see them : ) Cue daughter. She's very good at hunting down my lost glasses - thank goodness for daughters : ) Angela

My Veggie Garden said...

Thanks and good luck with yours.

And also thanks for the warning about my glasses but you're a bit late I'm sad to say. I've already stood on them twice already. :(