Saturday, November 22, 2008

After the rain

Butter beans that need a bit more buttering up yet.

Growing up the mesh is a cucumber and to the right is a rogue pumpkin and somewhere in between a not very noticeable eggplant.

This is the real corn as opposed to the baby/pop corn. Flowering well so it shouldn't be long before I'm eating fresh sweet corn

Potatoes in the foreground are lovin' the rain.

This is my roma Tomato San Marzano stand that I'll use for sauce and relish and whatever else I can think of (jam). I have a book here devoted to cooking with tomato's.

My beam's yellow tomato I planted on the 10th of September

Now, at least 7 feet tall and full of fruit.

My climbing beans now 3 weeks old and going gang busters.

"Gang Busters (Wikipeda)was an American dramatic radio program heralded as "the only national program that brings you authentic police case histories." It premiered as G-Men, sponsored by Chevrolet, on July 20, 1935".

Remember these guys. (2/10/08)

And now. Whoo who. Chips, Baked spuds, mashed potato, hash browns, potato bake, potato salad, ooh I can hardly wait.


The Crone at Wits End said...

Wow Stewart, that all looks fantastic!

Anonymous said...

HI Stewart, your garden is looking FAB TAB. I am
just about a week off harvesting Blue Lakes. Harvested some Nicola spuds as well. Pat loves butter beans and I have 16 seedlings growing for him.

My Veggie Garden said...

Thanks Crone, Hi Lucky, It's coming to the time of the year when all our early spring work starts to pay off. Very exciting.

Anonymous said...

Oh yes a most egg-citing time for sure in the vegie garden. I'm hanging out for some tomatoes from our back yard. Last lot I bought at the shops, the guts fell out of the slices:(