Monday, January 3, 2011

New Years resolution.

Thirty mls of rain this year already and it looks like more this afternoon.

Spuds I rescued this morning.
I've managed the first hour of my, 'my veggie garden's, New Years resolution today. I've resolved to spend least and hour every day I'm not working in the cab in 'my veggie garden'.

I've read the warnings from the experts of going too big and getting burnt out and I thought I had it under control but it seems I went in too big and last year I hit the wall pretty hard and did very little veggie gardening. But all is not lost I've experimented along the way and have tought myself a lot as well and this year will see a more committed effort to get myself and my veggie garden organized.

As for the veggie garden I had to give up waiting for the soil to dry out enough to lift the spuddies and to my relief they were in good shape with no rotten spuds to be seen, alays a good thing don't you recon? My main concern was with soil compaction and the effect digging very moist soil would have on my soil structure. After digging up the first of five rows of spuds I thing my soil will be fine as long as I keep adding compost and manure. It has come up very light and fluffy and I could probably plant straight back into the areas where I have dug up the spuds.

I'm thinking I'll put in a quick crop of beans where the spuds have been so I can follow them up wih the bracissias I want to plant over Autumn and winter.

Once upon a time I did my weeding with a bucket for putting the weeds in but due to the massive rainfall we have had here I now using a rubbish bin to put my weeds in.

Here's a photo to give you some idea of how out of control the weeds have gotten since the rain.

Cheers from a slow moving creeper


1 comment:

Bangchik and Kakdah said...

Yes, it is nice to germinate more seeds and grow veggies more... But the constraint is always time and space...