Monday, December 30, 2019

The last post for 2019. Happy New Year.

This is the last Three Minute Monday until next year.

Hope you had a great 2019 and an even greater 2020.

Want something quick and pretty easy to spice up your salads a little. Then growing some Micro-Green Radish should the trick and it so easy anyone should have a go.


Angela said...

Happy New Year! The wish for the new year is an end to these horrendous bushfires - so much devastation and loss and all the wildlife and farm animals burned alive. So so sad. Angela in Adelaide.

Angela said...

I tried to leave a comment on two videos but I don't think they've worked. I'm not very techy : ( Happy New Year.

My Veggie Garden said...

Hi Angela, Happy New Year for you too.

I'd like to add one wish to your wish.

I really, really, really wish it would rain.

And not just once but regularly like it did years ago. Heck, I'd even take semi-regularly at the moment.

Have a great 2020.
