Saturday, July 18, 2020

Whoflungdung is biologically activated

Whoflungdung is a biologically activated, nutrient-rich, weed-free, absorbent super mulch! It's composted, activated by eNcase and filled with nutrients that when added to soil introduces a wide variety of good bacteria to provide healthy growth and reduce weeds.

And I've just used it on in my cabbage and broccoli patch.


Angela said...

I wrote a comment then lost it.

Great video Stuart - straight to the point no frills.

It's a bit disappointing when the product doesn't go as far as expected isn't it? anyway good luck! Your plants do look nice and healthy already though.

Cheers from a rather cold Adelaide : ( Angela

My Veggie Garden said...

Hi Angela, we're getting spoilt here with the weather atm, 6/7 overnight and 18/19 through the day all with beautiful sunshine.

Nanyscia said...

Thoughtful blog thanks for posting.