Saturday, October 17, 2020

Potting up my Sweet Potato slips

 I popped a few Sweet Potato slips into a jar of water and, Hey Presto!

Within three days they'd started to form roots and after nine days they're ready to pot on.


Angela said...

I have some slips to pot on (it amazes me how quickly the roots appear) too.

In the past I've had lots of tops but no bottoms (I used an old Hills hoist to train them up for a bit of shade for my garden). Are they heavy feeders and do they need lots of water? I do live in SA but I don't really think that is a problem.

I'll check your sister out :) Cheers Angela

My Veggie Garden said...

I'm sorry Angela, I missed this comment.
I don't think they are heavy feeders but I'm sure they like a lot of compost and an organic rich soil and heaps of water.
Cheers, Stewart.