Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Some personal advise.

Through my own personal experience, here is some advise. "Always stick a helmet on your head when you are riding your bicycle", cos you never know when some DH f#$kwit is going to pull out in front of you and leave you flat and busted on the road. If it weren't for my stack hat I wouldn't be writing this right now, if at all or ever.

Hi folks, today is the first day since Friday last that I've felt like dragging myself out of bed to actually write something.

And yes some DH did not see me and I ended up with an overnight stay in Hospital with some very sore ribs, left elbow and left wrist but nothing broken except my pride a little. I usually spot DH's a mile away but I missed seeing this one but they didn't miss me.

At this stage the veggie garden is in transition from Autum/Winter to Spring /Summer pl
antings so 3/4/wks off shouldn't matter too much. Getting the potato bed ready is my main concern atm and I'm sure I'll come up with something.

If by chance anyone reading this works for or at the Toowoomba Base Hospitial then I'd like to say that I have never experienced a better work place anywhere ever in my life. You are the true heroes of this world. This goes for the Ambos' who attened my accident scene as well.


nevyn said...

Holy crap! This is not good. I'm glad the damage wasn't any worse. My husband rides his bike alot and has quite a few close calls. It's unbelievable how drivers can be so blind.

Is the idiot who hit you going to be charged?

Hope you're feeling better soon.

Susie said...

Sorry to hear about the accident. Ouch! Hope you are feeling much better by now.

Scarecrow said...

Hope you are well on the way to a full recovery...

Kelly said...

yikes- glad you are intact relatively speaking. Cars are so dangerous, especially when manned with DH's. Heres wishing you a very productive potato patch- theyre my fave!

Frances said...

Sorry to hear of your little bingle.

Wishing you a speedy recovery and you're soon up and galloping around the vegie patch soon.

Mandy's Pink Home said...

I'm so glad that your O.K I have always said that Tmba drivers are the worst.......

greenfumb said...

Good Grief, I'm glad you are not more badly injured than you were. Cyclists are not taken into consideration at all in this country. I used to ride a bike in London but I wouldn't do it here!

Hope you are v soon well enough to dig those spuds.

Daphne Gould said...

I'm so sorry to hear you ended up in the hospital. I used to ride my bike to work all the time. Luckily I spent most of the time on a bike path away from crazy drivers. Get well!

Peggy said...

Hi Stewart, Sorry to read about your 'tumble'you were very lucky that it did not result in more serious injury.I am sure you will be up and around soon.
Best wishes